Finalised Brand Marketing Report
Umbro Brand Marketing Report Here is the link to my report on ISSU. I think overall I am pleased with what I have discovered and proposed. I have researched severely into Umbro and I believe I have bettered my knowledge on the brand, the positives and negatives that surround it. I have gone through many websites and statistics and found out a lot of evidence to back up my points which I think has worked well. My layout was simple and this was intentional, I wanted to focus more on the body of the report as that is the most important part. However, I think that I could’ve definitely spaced out my research, particularly on my blog and given myself more time. I could’ve worked on my fonts a bit better, I’m unsure on the title fonts which I have used and could’ve spent more time deciding on this. My bibliography is alphabetised although, I forgot to change the format when I pasted it into InDesign and the titles of the articles are not in italics. Therefore I should’ve double-chec