Initial Ideas for Proposal

Pop Up Shops - This idea is a great idea to help get new ideas and collections out exclusively. They cost a lot less that what permanent stores cost which is why they work for lower budget brands. The exclusive stock will intrigue an audience as people have the want for limited items. Having an interactive experience within the shop as well would help connect the brand with the audience. An example of this would be having an area where the public are able to try on football boots and kick a football into a goal, to see exactly how the boot performs for them.

Influencers - Using influencers is a great idea to intrigue different audiences due to who the influencer targets. To keep Umbro's initial audience, using English footballers wold gain the attention of middle-aged men with a large interest in football, intriguing them to take a look at the new collections if they see this influencer wearing and promoting the brand. To entice a new audience, a younger generation Z one, then Umbro could use social media influencers such as Youtuber's to widen the demographic. 

Advertising on social media - Promoting posts on social media and making Umbro's Instagram feed more organised would be a great idea to intrigue a younger audience. Having the instagram include more items from collaborations to show this audience that they are able to promote quality clothing with designer brands. Use instagram to promote football and streetwear, two collections equally split. All together with a colour scheme which makes the account look neat. 

Logos - use a range of different logos for different styles and pieces of clothing. Reverting back to the older logos for revived collections would be a good way to intrigue an older demographic who remember the quality and success that Umbro used to have, particularly when they sponsored England. 

Print Advertising - print advertisements in tube stations would be a great idea to promote the pop up shops particularly if Umbro could have one in Box Park. This would be seen by many people. Umbro haven't had any billboard advertisements for a long time therefore having these around Manchester (where they originated from) and London would also help to spread awareness.

Viral Marketing Campaign - use hashtags on all social media such as '#returnofumbro', '#we'rebackumbro'. to raise awareness for new collections. These could be used on posts of influencers wearing the items, and could start a debate in the comment section. As the public will have seen there favourite influencers wearing these products, they are then eager to invest in items for themselves and share with the same hashtag. And the awareness would slowly spread. 


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