Umbro's Current Target Audience and Who They Should Target Next

Umbro are well known for supplying football teams with equipment, clothing and football boots of a very high quality. They currently still sponsor the kits of Bournemouth, Everton, West Ham in the Premier League, and previously England. This can suggest that their main target market are those with a huge interest in Football and who are fans of these teams. Particularly men aged 25-45. This is evident in the questionnaire results. The majority of respondents who answered ‘yes’ to owning any products by Umbro went on to say that they were either football attire or equipment. They are most likely in the C2, D and E categories on the Socio Demographic scale, having low income since the pricing of Umbro’s garments are extremely cheap or discounted massively. 

However, Umbro’s main target demographic is those located in Brazil and United States, since the lack of English sponsorships has decreased. The traffic on desktop in Brazil has decreased by 2.17% in the past 6 months, but a much greater engagement came from United States with an increase of 38.77% and France with an increase of 39.63% ( This could be due to the increase of sponsorships Umbro has gained with many South American teams and athletes; particularly 17 Colombian Players. ( The top destination Umbro site was '' which is the US website, with a mass increase of 54% in the past 6 months. 84.57% of all countries searched directly for Umbro, only 1.18% through social and 10% direct links. The average amount of time spent on the website was little over a minute; suggesting that they do not engage the audience as much as they would like. 

Since collaborating with Missguided, you could suggest that some of Missguided’s target audience have engaged more with Umbro itself. Majority being girls aged 16-29, those who invest lots of time on social media; ‘85% of Missguided customers agree they get most, if not all, of their fashion inspiration from Instagram.’ and consume fashionable goods. (

Umbro should try and target a younger demographic, this can be done through mass social media advertising and understanding what this generation what from fashionable and performance items. Viral marketing campaigns would be the best way to target this social media driven demographic as awareness would be built upon likes and shares. Using influencers that this market could identify with is also key, if someone you look up to is wearing an item you as an audience have more desire to buy the same product. 


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